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How to lock swivel wheels on your Double stroller

Written by

Thomas Machura

Published on

August 7, 2024
ArticlesCategory: How to

Explaining the feature

Swivel wheels on your Double stroller enhance maneuverability, making it easier to navigate tight spaces and corners. They allow for smooth, agile turns and improved control, especially in crowded or narrow areas. They also offer greater flexibility for various terrains, ensuring a comfortable and convenient experience for both the parent and the child.

Why blocking wheels?

Blocking the wheels on a stroller is essential for ensuring stability on uneven terrain. When the wheels are not locked, the suspension system can cause one wheel to get jammed between rocks or other obstacles, leading to instability and potential tipping. To prevent this, we strongly recommend locking the wheels when navigating challenging terrains such as hikes, dirt roads, or rough paths. This measure keeps the stroller stable, secure, and easier to control, ensuring a safe and smooth ride for both the child and the parent.

How to use this feature

We made it very easy to lock and unlock the swivel feature on the Double Stroller. Adjust the position of the plastic element on the front wheels: move it down to block the wheels for straight movement on challenging terrain, or move it up to unlock the wheels for greater riding comfort.

Written by

Thomas Machura

Published on

August 7, 2024